Wednesday 26 May 2010

Lighting & Cameras

This is taken from one of my scene's in the animation using a spline to make my fish swim to where i want it to go... i also used the apline to attach cameras to follow objects in scenes n also eit them in auto key to give me the correct shots i want...
there are 2 types of cameras one free light which are jus lights that you can place in your scence and aim whereva you want by rotating and moving them...
target lights are more directional lights or spot lights that come with a target light, the light will automatically aint where ever you place the target.
I found It Easy Going from The cameras to the Perspective view Using C and P on the key Board... this helped to get the right views to the scenes.


As you can see from the videos i found the background lighting not bright enough to see my fish and i wanted to make it brighter so i went into tools and used the light lister to edit my lights and the colours.. my background colour was black which was making the atmosphere in the scene too dark so i decided to make it grey to brighten it up a bit and also it made my fish more visable in the scene.
This is a plane used to make the light shine throught to give the underwater affect... i used 2 differnt kinds of lights in this scence a omni light and a target spot light... onmi are jus lights that you place in your scence and aim where ever u want them.. a light like a target spot light are directional lights or spot lights with a target light, the light will automatically aim where ever you place the target which is wat i have used to aim light down onto the sea bed.

2nd Attempt
This Attempt went much slower and calmer makingit look lik the light is moving with the water...

1st Attempt
This went really fast and didnt look realistic enough to be under water.. so i deceded to change the routine of the movement of the plane to give a different affect..

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