Monday, 16 August 2010

Final Rendering & Thoughts...

I found the Project very challenging at first because i found it very hard to catch up but eventually after the tutorials i was able to get most of the work that i had missed, i feel that if i had been able to attend all the tutorials then i would have been able to add more bits to my animation like more sounds and bubbles which i didnt not get around to but it would b nice to add extras to it, also some technial problems rendering and some of my files became a bit currupt which is something that i will be more causious of as i alredy did to begin with but it is hard to aviod these problems sometimes.. but overall im impressed how good it looks when it is all put together and you can see it animating..


Rendering my animation was the longest part of the project which i didnt enjoy because it takes soo long to render a tiny scene and it was really difficult as u had to keep goin back and redoing scence if they wasnt right and things like that and other things seem to show up when you render which you didnt realise before you started to render... i saved my rendings as avi files and put them into premier pro Saving them into a Standard 48KHz For a 4:3 ratio Insead of widescreen...

I Found Premier Pro Quiet easy to use as its not hard to edit your scences in the programmes and quiet enjoyed putting it all together after all the hard work of tryin to get it to render =)

Wednesday, 26 May 2010

Lighting & Cameras

This is taken from one of my scene's in the animation using a spline to make my fish swim to where i want it to go... i also used the apline to attach cameras to follow objects in scenes n also eit them in auto key to give me the correct shots i want...
there are 2 types of cameras one free light which are jus lights that you can place in your scence and aim whereva you want by rotating and moving them...
target lights are more directional lights or spot lights that come with a target light, the light will automatically aint where ever you place the target.
I found It Easy Going from The cameras to the Perspective view Using C and P on the key Board... this helped to get the right views to the scenes.


As you can see from the videos i found the background lighting not bright enough to see my fish and i wanted to make it brighter so i went into tools and used the light lister to edit my lights and the colours.. my background colour was black which was making the atmosphere in the scene too dark so i decided to make it grey to brighten it up a bit and also it made my fish more visable in the scene.
This is a plane used to make the light shine throught to give the underwater affect... i used 2 differnt kinds of lights in this scence a omni light and a target spot light... onmi are jus lights that you place in your scence and aim where ever u want them.. a light like a target spot light are directional lights or spot lights with a target light, the light will automatically aim where ever you place the target which is wat i have used to aim light down onto the sea bed.

2nd Attempt
This Attempt went much slower and calmer makingit look lik the light is moving with the water...

1st Attempt
This went really fast and didnt look realistic enough to be under water.. so i deceded to change the routine of the movement of the plane to give a different affect..

Morphor - Fish & Shark

When i attempted to morph my fish i did come across a few problems as when i was merging it into the scene it kept turning into one big blob and i dont kno why this kept happning which was frustrating cos it ment i had to keep restarting... i also found that if u doo or move too much to some of the files or try n go back and change it that sometimes it can mess the file up and also my fosh morphing got corrupted and had to be restarted as it didnt recover very well either.. :-/ EEK!!!

This is my first attempt to rendering of my morph of my shark i wanted to make it a bit realistic as wel as cartoony as it is for children.. i made the tail move left and right and the mouth open big enough to eat the little fish.

i first decided to morph my shark which i had a few problems with in the beginning as i couldnt get all the object s to move together so i realised i needed to attach all the objects together and edit them speratley. i edited them using the elements in the edit poly section or using soft selection or all the basic tools like rotating and size.

This was an example of morphing objects from a tutorial i found to help me understand how it works... i found this quiet easy to do as it was pretty simple.

First Scence Of Animation :)

Beginning of Animation...This is the first trial of making the fish move in the scence i still need to put in a background to make it look more realistic...

Basic Animation Testing :)

  • On Timeline Scale REMEBER = Position (Red), Rotation (Green) and Scale (Blue)...
  • Key Stage to start animation
This was my first attempt at the basica animation making something move, which was reali simple but then when it came to saving the file i did come across some problems which i did eventuallt over come... as it was not letting me save the file as a mov file but it did on an avi file as the quicktime was not working.

This was a realy simple tutorial and i had quiet a bit of fun with it :)

I decided to Do my own paths and add more shapes in me tryin to get clever :) but it worked so pleased with it..

Thursday, 29 April 2010

Little Fish

Final render

I Decided To Change the Shape of the fished mouth as it looked like it was constantly in shock so i change it to be more oval and it makes the fish look more happyier and friendly for children to look at :)

I made the scales on photoshop to give the fish some txture and saved it as a jpeg and bitmap it into 3dsmax. i aslo added a two tone colour to give it an tropical effect :).

The fish looks a bit shocked here so i need to change its mouth shape to not look so shocked.

This is the start of me modeling my fish from a cylinder and slowly shaping into a fish shape i didnt use an image to copy round with this model i decided to just get ideas from lots of differnt pictures and used wat i though would be suitable to for a childrens fable.

Thursday, 22 April 2010

Background - Sea Bed

Wanted to use this image as a guide for my background so that i can keep it cartoon themed for children.

Sea Bed 2 - Using real sand as the sea bed which i liked the most and will use for my final rendering!

Sea Bed 1 - this is the first image i was going to use for my sea bed as but i didnt like it very much and was nop mappin to the object very well so i deceded to look for another image although this was a very realistic one.

Tuesday, 13 April 2010

_______\o/__________/\________ SharkAttack!!!

i started using cones to make teeth for the shark i didnt want to make the shark look too scary as children may get offended by it or get scared and that wouldnt be good!
I have restarted the shark agen using a differet image and it looks much better and more lik a shark :)

This is The start Of my Shark extruded From a cylinder but it look rather more lik a whale i have had trouble with the front of the sharks head as wen it is turbo smoothed it changes the shape, i have also had to learn how to weld some parts together.

Wednesday, 31 March 2010

Star Fish

Final Render

For the eyes i had to make the middle part black to make them look lik eyes i always seem to forget how to change the colour id and have it written down on millions of picecs of paper!!!!!!
Colour Difference:
  • Set ID
  • Go Into Materials
  • Click Standard
  • Select Multi/Sub Object
  • Discard Old Material
  • Select Colour Of Material ....
I made a Star Fish to put in my Story... i made the star fish by creating a 5 sided cylinder shape to start with then after extruding out of the sides and creating the star shape. Then after making my star fish i realised that there was an easier way 3dsmax already has a star shape line which i could have lofted most likely if i had gone through the options!!! abit annoying!! :@

Saturday, 20 March 2010


To Animate the seaweed i used the noise modyfier to make them move as if they are actuali under water, saving videos - common - render - time duration save as avi & cinepak.

this is my seaweed re done using the same methods as before but it jus seemed to come out better this time :o)

this sea weed came out a bit wrong and looked lik a cactus i think i was slightly rusty from the break over xmas i have decided to restart it to get a better shape :)

Begining of the seaweed extruded from a cylinder and i used the move, scale and rotate object to make it more wavey....

Thursday, 18 March 2010

Character Mood Boards

My Story Boards

My Final story Is takin from the fable The fisherman and the little fish but instead of the fisherman ive decided to use a shark to be more fun & exciting! :)

This was the first story board i drew but it didnt have alot reali going on and i didnt like the story so i decided to scrap it and come up wit one for one of the other fables i had choosen :)

Children Cartoon Moodboard

Thursday, 4 March 2010

3rd Fable...

The Fisherman and The Little Fish
It happend that a fisher, after fishing all day, caught only a lilttle fish. 'pray le me go, master' said the fish. 'I am much too small for your eating jus now. If you put me back in the river i shull soon grow, Then you can make a fine meal of me'
'Nay, Nay, My Little fish' said the fisher 'Ihave you now. I may not catch you here after'
Moral : A little thing in hand is worth more than a great thing in prospect!

2nd Fable..

The Two Crabs
One fine day two crabs came out from their home to take a stroll on the sand. 'child' said the mother 'you are walking very ungracefully. you should accustomyourself, to walking straight forward without twisting from side to side'
'Pray Mother' said the young one 'dobut set the example yourself and i willl follow you!'
Moral : Example is the best precept.

1st Fable...

The Two Pots

Two pots had been left on the bank of a river, one of brass and the other earthenware pot tried its best to keep aloof from the brass one which cried out 'fear nothing friend, i will not strike you'. ' But i may come in contactwith you' and the othe said ' if i come to close and weather i hit you or you hit me , i shull suffer for it.'

Moral : The strong and the weak cannot keep company!


What is a Fable?..
  • Fiction
  • A Short Moral Story
  • Often With Animal Characters
  • Falsehood
  • A Moral In The Story
  • Aesops fabels where passed down in oral tradition from aesop

Welcome Back =)

Its The 2nd Semester back with 3D Modelling and Animation our topic is looking at fables to animate for children, fabels are very short stories i hope this wont be to hard to animate but i am very intrested to see how i get on...